Files used in data capture | |
Main HTML file | MetroMapStudy_v11.html |
Main Javascript file | MetroMapStudy_v11.js |
Main CSS file | MetroMapStudy.css |
Javascript code embedded in SVG | MetroMapStudy-addTransfer.js |
SVG map - trunk colouring | MetroMapStudy-trunk.svg |
SVG map - route colouring | MetroMapStudy-route.svg |
SVG map - route colouring | MetroMapStudy-shaded.svg |
PHP code for writing to randomisation file | randomisations.php |
PHP code for writing to backup file | writedata.php |
PHP code for writing to IDs file | writeid.php |
Folder of JPG images | images,zip |
Files used in analysis | |
Stations Javascript file | MetroMapStudy-Stations.js |
Topology Javascript file | MetroMapStudy-Topology.js |
Results | |
Data from route tracing study | Main Study.csv |